Live It Out News September 2021
In this September 2021 Issue:
- Next steps towards A New Day
- Loves Listens: Hosted by Alpha and TogetherPDX
- Adventurous Apologetics: Sneak Preview Something New! You've probably received our New Day Brochure and Announcement Letter unveiling what A New Day looks like for Eternal Impact as we head towards our 25th Anniversary. It's pretty exciting! TogetherPDX and Alpha hosts Love Listens TogetherPDX brings leaders in our greater Portland community in collaboration for the Kingdom. Eternal Impact is and has been an active participant in many of these events.
Encourage your church leaders to attend two workshops focused on evangelism in light of the latest research on church, culture, digital, next-generation, and more.
Click below for information and registration: Adventurous Apologetics: Sneak Peek! Many of you know of Ben Clifton's heart for the "Why Behind The What" of Christian truth. Through Eternal Impact, he has equipped many leaders locally and globally with answers to the world's challenging questions about why Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.
Eternal Impact is excited to "leak" that we are incubating a new ministry that Ben will lead to further this work. Adventurous Apologetics (A2) will equip and guide adventurous Christians on apologetics missions, creating global networks of emerging leaders and influencers fluent with the why behind the what of Christian truth.
A2 is in the early stages of planning...expect to hear more over the next couple of months!
If you'd like to hear more, click below to send Ben an email...he'll get right back to you: |